My Approach
My aim is to give my clients the ability to discover their own way forward with greater self-knowledge and self-belief.
I begin with an initial consultation where clients come with different expectations; some to relieve pain or anxiety and others to gain more self-knowledge.
We explore an overall picture of your situation and what you think you would like from therapy. Talking about things maybe for the first time, can be a new experience as we discuss managing difficulties and methods of self-care.
I’m here to help so there is no judgement.
I concentrate on building up your core self with the emphasis of self-care aiming for a healthy mind and body.
With too many pressures and constant demands, it can be hard to juggle everything. This is where I come in to help you become more aware of yourself and help you make choices. Taking time out with support helps re-set boundaries, creating and keeping a better balance.
After the initial session, we plan to meet weekly. This helps to build a trusting a therapeutic relationship where we can talk in a confidential and safe space.
As things unravel and the weight begins to shift, confidence usually returns along with self- belief. Historic negative beliefs can stick like labels unless they are re-visited and released; Letting go not only heals but liberates and restores self- awareness and positive self- belief.